Other questions in this quiz

2. List the structures surrounding the nucleus.

  • Nucleus pores, rough ER, smooth ER, cytoplasm.
  • Nucleus pores, rough ER, smooth ER, cell wall.
  • Nucleus gaps, rough ER, smooth ER, cytoplasm.
  • Nucleus pores, smooth ER, rough ER, cytoplasm.

3. Why does diffusion not work in plants?

  • It's attempting to go from a low concentration through the cell membrane into a high concentration.
  • It's attempting to go from a low concentration through the chloroplast into a higher concentration.
  • It's attempting to go from a high concentration through the cell wall into a low concentration.
  • It's attempting to go from a low concentration through the chloroplast into a high concentration.

4. What is nitrogen used for?

  • Photosynthesis
  • Rapid growth and producing oxygen
  • Rapid growth and photosynthesis
  • Slowing growth

5. What is the plant-alternative to diffusion?

  • Rapid transport
  • Active movement
  • Active transport
  • Focused transport


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