B3 Topic 2

  • Created by: Nasra
  • Created on: 07-05-13 22:43
What is courtship behaviour?
When a male animal will do some sort of display to attract the female
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What is an alpha male?
A male who mates with all the femals in the pride
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Give two examples of animals who are alpha males
lions and sea lions
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What does monogamous mean?
A monogamous animal is an animal that only has one mate in a lifetime
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What are instincts?
They are inherited from parent and are not affected by the enviroment
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What is operant conditioning?
When an animal learns to do something by being punished or rewarded
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Give examples of animals that have been trained to do specific things?
Trained guide dogs for the blind,train dolphins and sea lions to jump through hoops,train sniffer dogs to snif out drugs,Train police horses to stay calm in large ccrowds and noisy situations
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What is classical conditioning?
Where animal will learn to do something without trying
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Give an example of classical conditioning
for exaample if you rattle a dogs lead befor taking the dog for a walk the dog will learn to associate the sound of the lead being rattled with going for a walk
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Who was Ivan Pavlov
A russian scientist that noticed dogs salivate when they are shown foods
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What did Ivan Pavlov do?
He decided to see what would happen if he rang a bell everytime the dogs were shown food Eventually the dogs salivated whenever they heard a bell even if there was no food
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What is habituation
Happens when an animal stops responding to a stimulus that has no effect on the animal
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Give an example of habituation
When a cat ignores the sound of the bell on its collar the animal has learned to ignore it
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What is imprinting
A type of behaviour seen in young animals,young animals demonstrate imprinting when they copy their parents
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Give an example of imprinting
When young birds imprint on their parent and follow them around as they walk,If newly hatched bird see another animal first for example humans they can imprint on them instead
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What are some reasons animals communicate?
Warning eachother of danger,working together when hunting,attracting a mate
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What are some ways in which animals communicat?
By making sounds,By producing chemicals,By giving signals or displays,Through body language and facial expressions
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What are pheremones?
Chemicals that some animals release into the enviroment
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What are pheremones used for?
To attract mate,scare off competitors,mark out territory,or just to make others aware of their presence
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Why do female dogs release pheremones?
Female dogs that have just given birth produce pheremones that provide a feeling of comfort safety and reassurance to their young
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Rabbits and hares thump their hind legs on the ground as a warning singal
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Male birds of paradise hang from tree branches and shake their colourful feathers to attract females
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Facial expressions are specie specific,what does this mean?
This means that the communication is used for individuals within that species and may mean something different to members of another species
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Plants are also able to communicat,They have brightly coloured and strongly scented flowers to attract insects for pollination
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Who is Nickolaas Tinbergen?
A dutch ethologist,he studied stickleback fish adn geese,but is most remembered for his work on innate behaviour of gulls,he showed that chicks instinctively know to peck at red spots on their parents beaks to make them regurgitate food.
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Who was Konrad Lorenz?
A german ethologist,he shared a nobel prize with Tinbergen he studied geese and jackdaws but is most remembered for his work on imprintin
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Who was Dian Fossey?
An American ethologist she spent years studying mountain Gorillas in Africa
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What did she do?
The gorillas needed to become habituated to her.She was the first recorder person to peacefully touch a gorilla.She also discovered that male gorillas will cometimes kill the the young of other males so bthat females willl mate with them
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What else did dian fossey?
She also spent many years trying to prevent poaching
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Who was Jane Goodall
A british ecologist she spent many years studying chimpanzees in africa she was the first person to observe they have distinct personalities.Goodall observed intimate behaviour such as hugging&tickling.She recoded chimps using tools for the first tim
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What does the theory of evolution state?
That all living organisms alive today have developed from single life forms
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Some plants and animals have evolved together because of a special link between them what is this called?
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What are fossils?
imprints or remains of living organisms from millions of years ago found in sedimentary rocks
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What do fossils provide evidence for?
They provide evidence of how some organisms have evolved
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When was the palaeolithic age?
2.5 million and 10 000 years ago
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When was the Mesolithic age?
between around 10 000 and 6000 years ago
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When was the Neolithic age?
Between around 6000 and 4000 years ago
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During times of the Ice Ages how did mans behaviour change to suit the conditions?
hunted larger animals such as bison and deer in groups
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What is mitochondrial DNA?
Mitochondrial DNA is the DNA that is present in the mitochondria of animal and plant cells
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Why have scientists turned to molecular dating using mitochondrial DNA
Because of difficulties in accurately dating some fossils,scientists have turned to molecular dating using mitochondrial DNA
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Who is mitochondrial DNA passed from?
Mitochondrial DNa is passed from the mother to her children and not from the father
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Why is mitochondrial DNA a good source of DNA?
It is a good source of evidence for human evolution due to its high mutation rates,lack of degration over time,Volume in cells and inheritance down the female line
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is an alpha male?


A male who mates with all the femals in the pride

Card 3


Give two examples of animals who are alpha males


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does monogamous mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are instincts?


Preview of the front of card 5
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