B3 Keywords

  • Created by: Jack Old
  • Created on: 29-04-13 22:07
Sterile; free from contamination
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Cell membrane
Surrounds cells and controls the movement of chemicals and particals in and out of the cell
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Circadian rhythms
Approximately 24-hour cycles that some animals and plants live by
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Developing a learned response in association with an exposure to a stimulus
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Everything inside a cell that is not the nucleus or another component. It is mostly water and usually clear in colour
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The process by which a cell becomes specialised to perform a specific function
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A cell that comtains two copies of each chromosome
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The part of the body, e.g a muscle or gland, that produces a response to a stimulus
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A protein molecule and biological catalyst, found in living organisms, which helps chemical reactions take place
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A scientist who studies animal behaviour (called ethology)
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The excessive growth and decay of aquatic plants due to the increased levels of nutrients in the water, which results in oxygen levels dropping so fish and other populations die
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The changes that take place in living things over a very long period of time as they becime better adapted to their environment
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The process by which microorganisms obtain energy from a medium and produce other substances through respiration, changing the chemical composition of the medium
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Sex cells (Sperm and ova)
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The genetic identity of an organism; especially used in monohybrid inheritance
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A form of learning; when an animal stops responding
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A cell that contains just one copy of chromosomes
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A chemical message produced by an endocrine gland
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The process by which a person's body becomes resistant to infection (Can be artificial or natural)
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Behaviour seen in young animals (particularly birds) where they copy their arents or the firat animal they see
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The inability to reproduce
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The passing on of features through reproduction
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In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
A technique to fertilise an egg in artificial conditions, outside the female's body
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A type of division in a cell's nucleus that produces sex cells (gametes)
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An organism that can only be seen with a microscope (same as microbe)
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A type of division in a cell's nucleus that produces new diploid cells for growth, or to replace damaged cells
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Monohybrid inheritance
The genetic inheritance of one characteristic, e.g eye colour
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The functional unit of the kidney; composed of the glomerulus, the Bowman's capsule and the loop of Henle
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The process of making milk safe to drink by heating it to high temperatures that kill the microbes. This process was first developed by Loius Pasteur
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Chemicals that are used to communicate between animals of the same species (Mainly); naturally produced by animals
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The ability of plants to detect the changes in length of daylight. THis allows them to germinate, flower and drop their leaves at the correct time
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Non-digestible foods that stimulate the growth of bacteria in the digestive system
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Foods that contain live microorganisms, commonly Lactobactullus abd Bifidobacterium
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An organism whose genome has recieved a gene/genes from another organism
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The process by which a weakened version of a pathogen is given to a patient to induce an immune response, rendering the person immune to future exposure
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An individual who carries a 'faulty' allele, but does not suffer from the condition caused by the 'faulty' allele
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Monoclonal antibodies
Identical copies of antibodies grown in a laboratory using mouse spleen and tumour cells. They can be used to test for pregnancy, detect blood clots and treat some cancers
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Negative feedback
When a substance is produced that opposes a change to a system, which triggers the return of the system to normal. Hormones in the menstrual cycle and kidneys are examples of this
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Pentadactyl limb
The pattern of limb bones in tetrapods (vertebrate animals with four legs) that is often used as evidence for evolution
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Recombinant DNA technology
The technology of genetic engineering to insert a section of DNA (gene) into a different organism
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Surrounds cells and controls the movement of chemicals and particals in and out of the cell


Cell membrane

Card 3


Approximately 24-hour cycles that some animals and plants live by


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Developing a learned response in association with an exposure to a stimulus


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Everything inside a cell that is not the nucleus or another component. It is mostly water and usually clear in colour


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