

What is a diet?
What food and drink you consume each day
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What is a balanced diet?
When you eat the right amount and types of foods and all the correct nutrients
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List the main 5 nutrients and what they are used for
Carbs - energy, Protein - muscle growth and development, Fat - organ protection, vitamins and minerals, water - for chemical reactions
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What is starvation?
No food
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What is malnutrition?
Not enough nutrients
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What is obesity?
Too much fatty foods
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What is anorexia?
When you can't grow fat
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What is anabolism?
The construction of molecules from smaller units
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What is catabolism?
The deconstruction of molecules into smaller units
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What is metabolism?
The process in which a material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed in an organism
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What factors effect energy needed in your diet?
Age, Activity and sex
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What is diabetes?
When your pancreas stops working and releasing insulin in order to regulate your blood sugars
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Whats the difference between health and fitness?
Health is your overall well being, fitness is your physical well being
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What happens if you have to many nutrients or vitamins?
You get posioned
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What happens if you don't get enough nutrients or vitamins?
You get deficencies
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Why do you need iron?
To produce red blood cells
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Why do you need Calcium?
TO get strong bones
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What are the effects of malnutrition?
Slow growth, fatigue, infection...
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Why is exercise so important?
It decreases the amount of stored fat and boosts your metabolic rate
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What other factor can effect health and fitness?
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What is the vitamin C deficiency?
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What is the calcium deficiency
Brittle bones
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What is the iron deficiency?
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What is a pathogen?
A microorganism that causes a disease
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Why do pathogens make use feel ill?
Secret toxins, damaging cells and reproduce rapidly
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How are pathogens spread?
Bodily fluids, Droplet inflections, food and water, skin to skin
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What are the bodies defense against pathogens?
Skin, Mucus, Scab, Tears, Acid
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What is the incubation period?
When pathogens in your body are not doing anything but reproducing
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Why is a fever a common symptom to all infections?
As your body raises its temperature to try and kill the pathogens
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Why do different symptoms occur?
As different pathogens release different toxins and in different areas
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What does a phagocyte do?
Surrounds pathogen, then secrets chemicals to make the pathogen dissolve then absorbs it
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What are antigens?
The chemical 'barcodes' of cells in the body which is a protein on the cell membrane
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How does your body identify pathogens?
White blood cells analyze antigens on cells.
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What happens if it is a 'foreign antigen'?
White blood cells start to produce proteins called antibodies to lock onto that type of antigen, antibodies chain together the pathogens and then the phagocyte comes and eats them all!
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What happens if that same pathogen enters the body?
The antibodies are saved so its quick and easy to rapidly produce the antibodies to stop the pathogen doing anything
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What are antitoxins?
Things that counteract toxins produced by the invading bacteria
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What is a vaccination?
A dead or weakened version of the pathogen
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What are analgesics?
Painkillers to relieve sympotoms
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What are antivirals?
Chemicals that attack viruses
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What are antibiotics?
Chemicals that kill bacteria
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How do vaccines work?
The pathogen is harmless so it gives you time to produce the correct antibodies without becoming ill
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What is MMR?
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
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What are booster injections?
Injections to increase levels of antibodies?
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What are the pros to vaccinations?
Been able to control diseases in uk, stop epidemics
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What are the cons?
Don't always work, bad reactions to vaccinations
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Whats the problem surrounding antibiotics?
Bacteria can mutate to become resistant to it if over used
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What needs to be controlled in a petri dish?
Everything needs to be sterilized, Lid closed
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What was the significance of Semmelweis?
Cut down death rate by using hygiene and washing hands
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What is a super bug?
A bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics
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Why is it hard to produce vaccines against viruses?
As they mutate a lot
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What is the stimulus?
Changes in our enviroment
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What is CNS?
Central nervous system
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*Responces diagram*
*Responces diagram*
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What is a synapse?
The connection between two neurones
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How is the signal transferred?
By chemicals which diffuse across the gap
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What are reflexes?
Automatic responses
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Why don't reflexes go through your brain?
As they need to be quick
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What is a hormone?
A chemical which is released directly into the blood, which has long effects
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What are the differences between nerves and hormones?
Nerves are fast actions over short times in precise areas, hormones are slower in action lasting a long time and in general areas
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What is the menstrual cycle?
A 28 day cycle which its purpose is to prepare eggs for fertilisation
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What happens on day 1 of the cycle?
Uterus lining breaks down for 4 days
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What happens on day 4-14?
Blood vessels build up to hold fertilized egg
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What happens on day 14?
An egg is released
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What happens form days 14-28?
Spongy wall stays there, if no fertilized egg lands there then the cycle restarts
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What is FSH?
Follicle stimulation hormone which causes the egg to mature in the ovaries and stimulates ovaries to produce oestrogen
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What is Oestrogen?
A hormone that causes the pituitary gland to produce LH and inhibits the production of of FSH
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What is LH?
A hormone that stimulates the release of the egg
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What does progesterone do?
Fluffs up uterus lining
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What doe the pill contain?
High levels of oestrogen and progesterone to stop people form getting pregnant
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What are the pros of the pill?
99% effective, reduces some types of cancers
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What are the cons of the pill?
Not 100% effective, has side effects and doesnt stop STDs
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What happens if women dont have high enough LH and FSH levels
Given an injection
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What is infertility?
When a person cannot produce offspring
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What happens in IVF?
Eggs are collected then are fertilised by the sperm in a lab and grown into embryos
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What are the pros to IVF?
People can have children
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Whats the cons to IVF?
Costs loads, 20% are twins, can lead to long term disabilites
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What is the plant hormone that controls growth?
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Where is auxin produced?
Tips of shoots and in the roots
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What happens in phototropism?
Cells on the shaded side elongate faster as cells are not damaged
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What happens in gravitropism?
When cells on the lower side grow faster as gravity causes an unequal distribution of auxin
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What happens in hydro tropism?
The side with the most moisture inhibits the grow on that side
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How can you clone a plant?
Get some plant cuttings, add rooting powder (contains auxin) they'll produce roots rapidly and start growing
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What is homeostasis?
The constant maintenance of an internal enviroment
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Why does homeostasis occur?
To make sure every thing works properly at the right level
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What regulates ion content?
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What regulates Sugar content?
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How can water be lost form the body?
Through sweating, Lungs and urine
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What is a drug?
A chemical that alters the chemistry of our body
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What are statins?
Drugs that lower your blood cholestrol and lower heart risks
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What are anabolic steroids?
Drugs that increase your muscle size and your heart rate
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What drugs are used to treat depression?
Prozat and hypericum
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What was thalidomide used for in the 50's?
A sleeping pill for pregnant women
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What was wrong with thalidomide?
Gave severe limp deformities
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What has it been used for since?
To treat leprosy
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What is the first stage of drug testing?
Drugs are tested on human cell tissue in the lab
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What is the second stage of drug testing?
Drugs are tested on live animals to test for the toxicity and to see the effects
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What happens on the third stage of drug testing?
Drugs are passed onto human volunteers that are healthy.
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What is the fourth stage of drug testing?
Testing on humans who actually have the illness
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What trials are carried out to ensure drug results are correct?
Blind trials so they can eliminate the placebo effect
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What is addiction?
When your body cannot function without something
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What are withdrawal symptoms?
Symptoms you get when you stop taking the drugs, things like sweating headaches...
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What are recreational drugs?
Drugs that are taken for pleasure
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Why might someone take recreational drugs?
Fun, stress relief, relaxation...
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What are two legal recreational drugs?
Alcohol and smoking
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What adaptations do desert animals have?
Large surface area to volume ratio, efficient with water, thin layers of body fat and a sandy camouflage
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What adaptations do Arctic animals have?
Small surface area to volume ratio, well insulated with a thick layer of blubber and thick hairy coats plus camo
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How have cacti reduced water loss in the desert?
Have spines instead of leaves as plants lose water vapor from their leaves, smaller surface area, have deep roots
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How do plants and animals deter predators?
Have bright colours, armor or poisons
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What do plants need to survive?
Light, space, water and minerals
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What do animals need to survive?
Space, food, water, mates
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What are the living factors that cause environmental change?
Diseases, predators, prey, competitors
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What are the non-living factors that cause environmental change?
Temperature, rainfall, pollution
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How can environmental change affect populations?
Population increases, population decreases, Population distribution
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What is an indicator species?
An organism that are very sensitive to changes in there environment and show signs of it
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What is the indicator species for air?
Lichen, sensitive to sulphur dioxide
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What is the indicator species for water?
Mayfly lavae, sensitive to dissolved water in rivers
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What is another good indicator species?
Invertebrates, as they live in heavily polluted areas.
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How can satellites be used to determine environmental changes?
Measure sea surface temperature, Measure how much snow there is.
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What is a trophic level?
A feeding level
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What does each bar on a pyramid of biomass show?
Mass of living material
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What is at the bottom of a pyramid of biomass?
The producer
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What follows the producer?
Primary consumer then the secondary consumer...
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Where do plants get their energy from?
The sun
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How is biomass lost going up each trophic level?
Through movement, constant temperatures, growth, waste...
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Why are pyramids of biomass short?
As it would be unefficient as hardly any energy would be passed on as so much would be lost
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How are elements returned to the environment?
Through waste or when the organisms die
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How do the materials of dead animals and plants get broken down?
Through microorganisms called decomposers
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What conditions are needed for decomposition to take place?
Warm, moist, oxygen
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What is fossilization?
The process in which decayed plant and animal material becomes fossil fuels
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What is the first cell of every new living thing?
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What is the name given to sex cells?
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What does the nucleus do?
Stores genetic information and orders the cell what to do
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What is a string of genes?
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What is a cell with only 23 chromosomes called?
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What makes up a gene?
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What is genetic variation?
Combing of genes
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What is a different version of the same gene called?
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What is the genotype?
The genetic make-up
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What is the phenotype?
The observable characteristics of an individual resulting from environmental factors.
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What is sexual reproduction?
The fusion of a male and female gamete to share genetic information
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What is asexual reproduction?
No genetic variation and there is only one parent
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What organisms produce offspring via asexual reproduction?
Plants and bacteria
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What are embryo transplants?
Where the the sperm cells are taken from the best genetic mother and father. The embryo is left to develop then is split before it become specialized, then implanted into surrogate mothers
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What is adult cell cloning?
Where the nucleus is taken out of an unfertilised egg then a complete set of chromosomes is implanted into that, It is then stimulated by an electric shock to make it divide then implanted into a surrogate mother
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What are the problems surrounding cloning?
Limited gene pool, playing the roll of god
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How does genetic engineering work?
Useful gene is cut from one organism using enzymes and then inserted into the plasmid
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What is evolution?
The process of a species developing gradually over time to adapt and survive to its environment
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How does a species evolve?
Sexual reproduction leads to a mutation, mutation leads to variation, which might give it an advantage, overpopulation leads to survival of the fittest and the mutation allows it to live longer and have more sex to pass its genes on.
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What was Darwins theory?
Origin of species where all living organisms had evolved from simpler life forms, from the process of natural selection. The most adapted to its environment would survive to pass on its genes
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What was lamaracks theory?
That all species had developed from worms and that species were different because of inheritance of acquired characteristics. Also that organisms would evolve during their lifetime.
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What is a species?
A group of organism that have the same chromosome structure and can interbreed to create offspring
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a balanced diet?


When you eat the right amount and types of foods and all the correct nutrients

Card 3


List the main 5 nutrients and what they are used for


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is starvation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is malnutrition?


Preview of the front of card 5
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