B ; wspu ; individuals ; position by '14

what two things were central to movement?
leadership and actions of individuals
1 of 15
while autocratic what did E/C provide many women with?
inspirational characters
2 of 15
often ruled by charm how?
winning general devotion from followers
3 of 15
why did E/C believe more democratic style of gov was unsuitable to their militant org?
they practiced illegal activites
4 of 15
E/C moulded successful political force at expense of?
splits + alienating members
5 of 15
after what year did christabel's involvement in the movement diminish?
6 of 15
she fled to france to avoid imprisonment
7 of 15
from paris she orchestrated WSPU through regualr meetings with?
annie kenney
8 of 15
in particular from paris she directed what campaign?
9 of 15
in '13 why was emmeline sentenced to 3yrs penal servitude?
threatening to blow up lloyd george's house
10 of 15
what ruined emmelines health and weakened her grip onthe WSPU?
constant imprisonment / cycle of starvation / force feedings / release and re-arrest
11 of 15
why was wspu leadership undermined by '14?
gov repressive response to voilence + christabel's absence
12 of 15
whatwas the problem with the autocratic nature?
limited and inflexible
13 of 15
when votes for women not on gov agenda what did militant tactics do?
win support for movement that was badly needed
14 of 15
but christable and emmeline lacked ideas over how to?
influence gov when srsly considering extending franchise to women
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


while autocratic what did E/C provide many women with?


inspirational characters

Card 3


often ruled by charm how?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why did E/C believe more democratic style of gov was unsuitable to their militant org?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


E/C moulded successful political force at expense of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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