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6. What did Dibs' father see him as?

  • Costly
  • An angel
  • An annoyance
  • A tricky child

7. What eventually happened to Dibs?

  • He was passed onto another therapist
  • He was moved to a school for gifted and talented children
  • He became a famous scientist
  • He was placed into foster care

8. What happened to Dibs' parents throughout the study?

  • They decided to put him up for adoption
  • They grew gradually more interested in their sons progress
  • They began to recognise that they had a role to play in this and so took a more active role
  • They grew tired and angry about Dibs' lack of progress

9. How did Axline begin her case study?

  • By conducting observations of him in the classroom
  • By talking to Dibs' parents
  • By using play therapy
  • By talking with Dibs

10. Which of these were common behaviours of Dibs?

  • Hiding under desks
  • All of these
  • Crawling around the edge of the classroom
  • Didn't communicate with teachers or other students

11. What did Axline do with Dibs after observing him?

  • Talked with Dibs
  • Met with his parents
  • Gained permission from his mother to conduct weekly play therapy sessions with him
  • Asked his mother to spend time at their home observing their interactions

12. What type of data did this study collect?

  • Qualitative
  • Quantitative

13. What is a benefit of qualitative data?

  • It's quick to analyse
  • It is detailed and in depth
  • It is easy to read
  • It's hard to analyse

14. What did Axline do 5 minutes before the end of the play therapy session with Dibs?

  • Say goodbye to Dibs and get him to gather his stuff
  • Told him that soon he would have to leave her to prepare him
  • Nothing
  • Left Dibs in the room by himself to talk with his parents

15. How long did it take for Axline to discover Dibs' level of intelligence?

  • In the middle of the study
  • A few play therapy sessions
  • The duration of the study
  • On her first observation of Dibs

16. What would happen when Axline told Dibs that the play therapy session was over?

  • He would cling onto Axline
  • He would scream
  • He would throw a tantrum and hide under her desk
  • He was happy to leave and showed excitement at seeing his mother

17. What did Dibs' parents think the problems with Dibs were caused by?

  • Dislexia
  • Biological issues such as retardation
  • An inability to connect with others
  • Emotional stress

18. Did Axline analyse what Dibs was saying and why?

  • No because she wanted him to discover his own personality and not be subjected to any bias or pushed in a certain direction
  • Yes because she needed to provide evidence for Freud's theories
  • Yes because it saved her time later

19. Where were Dibs' problems existing?

  • In his concious
  • In his unconcious
  • In his preconcious

20. Why were the teachers concerned about Dibs?

  • He played by himself and attacked other children that tried to play with him, even attacking teachers that tried to take him home
  • He used to cry often to the teachers about his home life and especially his father
  • He would not speak
  • He refused to do any school work