Augustus quotes part 1

  • Created by: emilk124
  • Created on: 23-05-17 20:36
'tribunician power was a term formulated by Augustus to express the supremacy of his position. It allowed him to avoid the title of king or dictator'
Tacitus: about Augs' tribunican potestas in 23 BC and why he accepted it
1 of 6
'The consulship for life was offered to me, but i refused it'
Res Gestae: turned down the power as he would look to powerful and goes against the first ten years of his rule
2 of 6
'the senate, the equestrian order, and the whole Roman people called me the pater patriae'
Res Gestae: name father of the country/ homeland in 2 BC
3 of 6
'Tiberius Nero's return from Rhodes...led to an incredible outpouring of national rejoicing'
Velleius 103.2: AD 2, over exaggerated as Augustus was not happy and there were suggested plot to kill him in Rhodes to please the Emperor
4 of 6
'he brought a prosecution for high treason against Fannius Caepio who had conspired against Augustus with Varus Maurena and secured his condemnation'
Suetonius, Tiberius 8.1: Tiberius was used as a judge to stop the conspirators from harming Augustus or getting people against him
5 of 6
'it had been generally assumed that if anything happened to Augustus, Marcellus would succeed him'
Velleius 93.1: suggests' Marcellus was the intended heir
6 of 6

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Card 2


Res Gestae: turned down the power as he would look to powerful and goes against the first ten years of his rule


'The consulship for life was offered to me, but i refused it'

Card 3


Res Gestae: name father of the country/ homeland in 2 BC


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Card 4


Velleius 103.2: AD 2, over exaggerated as Augustus was not happy and there were suggested plot to kill him in Rhodes to please the Emperor


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Card 5


Suetonius, Tiberius 8.1: Tiberius was used as a judge to stop the conspirators from harming Augustus or getting people against him


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