
  • Created by: kT
  • Created on: 10-01-13 11:56
4 kinds of behaviour; proximity seeking, separation distress, pleasure when reunited and general orientation towards specific indivdual.
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studied monkeys who were seperated from from mothers. When placed in isolation, the monkeys had one wire mother that dispensed milk and one soft cloth mother. Monkeys teneded to cling to soft cloth mother.
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Dollard and Miller
Learning theory- food is primary reinforcer and mother is secondary reinforcer.
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attachment is adaptive, innate 'social releasers', internal working model, monotropy and critical period.
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Criticisms of Bowlby
monotropy/critical period not evident but internal working model is
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Schaffer and Emerson
large scale study (observation) found that infants formed multiple attachments with the people around them.
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studied children in Israeli Kibbutz- reared communally. They found children were strongly attached to parents than nursers even though they saw nurses more often.
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Hazan and Shaver
surveyed respondents of newspaper ad- romantic relationships tended to echo their memories of their early relationships with their parents. Supports itnernal working model.
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Ainsworth and Bell
strange situation- child and carer in room, stranger enters and carer leaves. Carer re-enters and stranger leaves, carer leaves again and stranger re-enters. Last, the stranger leaves and carer re-enters.
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Ainsworth and Bell
types of attachment- securely attached= played happily when mother in room but stressed when left. When mother returned they calmed down. Avoidant anxious= ignored mother and play not effected either way.
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Strange situation
Kagan= asseses temperament, not appropriate for all cultures but is supported by short term reliablity and Adult Attachment Interview.
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Japanese infants become distressed in the strange situation because they are hardly left alone.
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Grossman et al
high level of avoidant attachment in germany.
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role of infant-caregiver interactions= biological regulation, face-to face exchanges, topic sharing, reciprocity and symbolic representations.
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Dollard and Miller
Operant conditoing- when infant is hungry it feels uncomfotable this is drive state when it is motivated to stop this hunger this is drive reducation as it learns that eating food will make them feel comfortable again.
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Dollard and Miller
classical conditoing- milk is uncoditoned stimulus, relief of hunger is uncoditoned response which leads to learned/conditoned response of pleasure/relief.
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Dollard and Miller
reward (food) is primary reinforcer and mother is secondary reinforcer.
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Card 2




studied monkeys who were seperated from from mothers. When placed in isolation, the monkeys had one wire mother that dispensed milk and one soft cloth mother. Monkeys teneded to cling to soft cloth mother.

Card 3


Dollard and Miller


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Card 5


Criticisms of Bowlby


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