AQA Biology A2 Unit 5 Quiz

A quiz testing most (maybe more to come) areas of the unit 5 specification.

  • Created by: Josh
  • Created on: 03-05-13 18:07

1. A deletion or insertion, unless of a multiple of X, will cause Y. What are X and Y?

  • X is 3, Y is frame shift
  • X is 2, Y is cancer
  • X is 3, Y is cancer
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. During transcription, [1] 'unzips' the DNA strand and [2] moves in to create complementary [3]. The DNA strand has only ~[4] bases separated during this process.

  • 1: DNA helicase, 2: RNA polymerase, 3: pre-mRNA, 4: 150
  • 1: DNA helicase, 2: RNA polymerase, 3: pre-mRNA, 4: 10
  • 1: RNA polymerase, 2: DNA helicase, 3: mRNA, 4: 20

3. Describe the role of ATP in the sliding filament theory.

  • ATP binds to myosin head, releasing it from actin, then it is hydrolysed to ADP, 'recocking' the head.
  • ATP binds to the myosin head, altering the myosin tail's angle, pulling the actin along
  • ATP binds to troponin molecules on the actin, releasing the myosin head

4. [1] may bind to [2] and 'guide' it to [3] to which [1] has [4], the [2] then cuts the [3], preventing translation.

  • 1: mRNA, 2: a hydrolytic enzyme, 3: siRNA, 4: a complementary base sequence
  • 1: siRNA, 2: a hydrolytic enzyme, 3: mRNA, 4: a complementary base sequence
  • 1: a hydrolytic enzyme, 2: siRNA, 3: mRNA, 4: a complementary base sequence

5. Summarise the differences between DNA and RNA.

  • The backbone of DNA is based upon deoxyribose whereas RNA's backbone is based upon ribose, RNA uses uracil in place of thymine.
  • The backbone of DNA is based upon ribose whereas RNA's backbone is based upon deoxyribose, RNA uses uracil in place of thymine.
  • The backbone of DNA is based upon ribose whereas RNA's backbone is based upon deoxyribose, RNA uses uracil in place of adenine.


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