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6. Which social group are the main example used in Cohen's approach?

  • (White) Working Class Boys
  • (White) "Under Class" Females
  • (Black) Middle Class Boys
  • (White) Working Class Females

7. Which of these is NOT a weakness of Cohen's approach (all others are)?

  • Quite simplistic - he assumes it's ALL about status.
  • He assumes school is the only place we acquire status.
  • He fails to account for the fact some crimes might not appear out of frustration, but mere humour for example.
  • He focuses too much on the working class men, when working class females are actually worse off.
  • He assumes everyone starts off with middle-class values and will feel like failures if they don't meet them.

8. Which of these is a strength of Cohen's approach (all others are false)?

  • He offers an explanation for non-utilitarian/non-monetary crime.
  • He offers a clear and straightforward solution towards removing subcultural crime.
  • It resonates well with the work of Ann Oakley.
  • He uses a wide range of social institutions within his argument.

9. Where are [the main social group that Cohen looks at] on the status hierarchy?

  • They aren't on the hierarchy.
  • Penultimate.
  • At the bottom.
  • Near the top of the hierarchy.

10. Which adaptation could you argue that those who undergo Status Frustration fit into closest?

  • Innovation (as they replace the values and means with their own).
  • Rebellion (as they replace the values and means with their own).
  • Retreatism (as they replace the values and means with their own).
  • Ritualism (as they replace the values and means with their own).