Applied ethics

  • Created by: Ellen
  • Created on: 08-05-14 17:16
Natural Law on War
Primary precept is to protect innocent life and consider the motives for going to war. Also it should be used for peace
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Christain Ethics on War
No single viewpoint in the bible. But shows a revengeful god and peaceful god and so many follow just war theory or sometimes pacifistim
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Utilitarianism on War
War is good if it produces good results, ie suffering don't outweigh the benefit
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Kantian Ethics on War
Soldiers have duty to defend a their country, however Kant would not let killing for a greater god because its using people as a means to an end.
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Natural Law on genetic engineering
Preservaing life is a primary precept so destorying embyros is a big no no. Stem cells can save lives so can be justified.
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Christian Ethics on genetic engineering
All embryo's have value and should be saved, Modifying plants and anmials presents no problems but abusing our intelligence at expense of human life is wrong
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Utilirarianism on genetic engineering
Preventing and curing diseases is fufilling the greatest good for the greatest number and embyros have no value, so the goodness outways the loss of embryos
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Kantian ethics on genetic engineering
Don't use humans as a mean to an ends however are embryos human. Saviour siblings and designer babies could be seen as exploitation
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Natural law on euthanasia
Completely rong as it goes against the preservation of taking life and is intrinsically wrong and nature should be allowd to take course.
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Christian ethics on euthanasia
Says it is wrong to reject and take God's gift of life. and it goes against God's plan and so the sanctity of life.
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Utilitarianism on euthanasia
Rejects the sanctity of life, and looks for the best outcome for the greatest number abd focuses on the quality of life argument
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Kantian ehtics on euthanasia
Moral decisions should be made using reason and not let people be used as means to an end. Also a doctor has a moral duty to care for the patient and euthanasia would go against that.
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Natural law on right to a child
Masturbation to optain sperm is wrong as it goes against preserving life and so no other methods can happen.
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Christian ethics on right to a child
Using a third party could be classed as adultery and also goes against the sancity of marriage. Also says that a child is a gift from God and so using IVF can be going against God's plan and that he didnt intend for these people to have children
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Utilitarianism on right to a child
Weighs up all the pleasure and plain involved and judges it by the outcome of that situation. ie the happiness of having a child would outweigh the cost for the nhs.
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Kantian Ethics on right to a child
Universalisation would say everyone would have to be offer IVF and so worry it would just become a consumer good. Also surrogates could be clased as a means to an end.
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Natural Law on abortion
Abortion is murder as unborn life has the same status as any other. Also goes against the primary precepts of reproduction and preservation of life.
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Christian ethics on abortion
Sanctity of life is important and the gift from God should not be destoryed. Catholics see abortion as an evil and believe a foetus has the same status as any other life
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Utilitarianism on abortion
Hapiness vs pain in the same situation and life doesn't have such an intrinsic value. So the mother and other family members have more preference to the hapiness than the potentional person of a foetus
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Kantian ethics
Can be seen as right if the foetus isn't considerered a reasoning person but wrong if it for selfish reasons due to not using humans as a means to an end.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


No single viewpoint in the bible. But shows a revengeful god and peaceful god and so many follow just war theory or sometimes pacifistim


Christain Ethics on War

Card 3


War is good if it produces good results, ie suffering don't outweigh the benefit


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Card 4


Soldiers have duty to defend a their country, however Kant would not let killing for a greater god because its using people as a means to an end.


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Card 5


Preservaing life is a primary precept so destorying embyros is a big no no. Stem cells can save lives so can be justified.


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