Other questions in this quiz

2. According to Aristotle, animals have no share in...

  • Eudaimonia
  • Society
  • Instinct
  • Pleasure

3. Under what conditions would treating animals badly be morally wrong for Kant?

  • If the animals are the subject of a life
  • If it compromises a person's ability to treat other humans well, and therefore threatens the person's own moral integrity.
  • If animals develop better communication skills so that they can explain their experience of pain.
  • If the overall suffering of animals outweighs the pleasure this bad treatment creates for humans.

4. Why does Kant believe that animals are not ends in themselves?

  • Because they do not have the capacity for practical reason
  • Because animals cannot speak
  • Because animals do not have desires
  • Because animals have their own moral laws

5. For Kant, what is the only source of good?

  • A good will
  • Superior reasoning
  • The consequences of an action
  • A virtuous character


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