Other questions in this quiz

2. Was England a peaceful country and why?

  • no because vikings raided and settled there, especially in the north and east.
  • yes
  • yes because the king was a good law maker
  • no because there was the dane law

3. How were Ceorls different from peasants?

  • they could go and work for another lord if they wanted to, they were free
  • they were taller
  • they had a different name
  • they could sell themselves

4. Why weren't slaves punished harshly?

  • because they were workers
  • because they felt like it
  • because it would damage their ability to work
  • for fun

5. What did peasants do?

  • live in manor houses
  • a set amount of work for a lord, as well as provide for their families
  • work for whoever they want
  • make laws


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