Anatomy Theme 3

  • Created by: Splodge97
  • Created on: 08-05-17 16:46
Give features of the muscles of facial expression
Part of panniculus carnosus, orginate from 2nd pharyngeal arch (innervated by VII), attached once to mucle and once to skin, organised as sphincters and dilators. Prevent water entering the face and allow speech.
1 of 26
Give the attachments of buccinator
Alveolar process 1st maxillary molar --> maxillary tuberosity --> palatine bone --> hamulus --> pterygomandibular raphe --> retromolar fossa --> oblique line to alveolar process of 1st mandibular molar. Anteriorly interdigitates with orbicularis oris
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What structures are numbed by an inferior alveolar nerve block?
Body and ramus of mandible, floor of the mouth, mandibular teeth, anterior 2/3 of tongue plus gingiva and mucosa of these regions
3 of 26
What does the temporal branch of VII serve?
Temporalis, orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii, frontalis
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What does the zygomatic branch of VII serve?
Orbicularis oris, lavator labii superioris, lavator labii superioris alaeque nasi, lavator angulae oris, zygomaticous major and minor
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What does the buccal branch of VII serve?
Buccinators and the upper lip. Specifically, all muscles of the mouth and lip plus muscles of the nose (compressor naris, depressor septum, depressor naris, procerus)
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What does the mandibular branch of VII serve?
Lower lip (orbicularis oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis)
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What does the cervical branch of VII serve?
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What are the layers of the scalp?
Skin with hair follicles, Connective tissue with blood vessels, Aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis, Loose connective tissue and Pericranium (spells SCALP)
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What are the attachments of masseter?
Zygomatic arch, maxillary process of zygomtic bone, angle and lateral surface of ramus of mandible, coronoid process
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What are the attachments of temporalis?
Superior = inferior temporal line, temporal fossa and temporal fascia. Inferior = Well developed tendon to the coronoid process and anterior ramus of the mandible (down to retromolar fossa).
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Why are swellings of the parotid gland painful?
As it is contained within the parotid capsule of deep cervical fascia, so structures push against each other when it is enlarged
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Describe the arrangement of neurovascular strutures in the parotid gland
Nerves most superficial, arteries deepest, veins between them
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What arteries give blood supply to the face?
Superior thyroid, lingual and facial branches of the external carotid give the main supply; superficial temporal (with its transverse facial branch) and maxillary terminal branches also emerge on the face
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Describe the drainage of the face?
Facial vein via its superior and inferior labial plus terminial supratrochlear and supraorbital branches (same as facial artery but no submental). Forms short common facial vein upon meeting the anterior division of the retromandibular.
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What veins superiorly form the external jugular?
Posterior division of the retromandibular vein and posterior auricular vein
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What is the action of lavator palpebrae superioris alaeque nasi?
Elevates upper lip, flares nostril
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What is the action of zygomaticus (major and minor)?
Draws angle of mouth up and out (smiling)
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What is the action of temporalis?
Raises the mandible (against resistance), wrinkles the forehead, raises the eyebrows
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What is the action of mentalis?
Elevates skin of the chin, protrudes the lower lip
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What is the action of platysma?
Draws corners of mouth down (frowning), widens the mouth, raises skin of neck when teeth clenched
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What is the action of compressor naris?
Compresses bridge and depresses tip of nose
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Which muscles reduce the width of the nostrils?
Depressor naris and depressor septum
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What is the action of corrugator supercilii?
Wrinkles the forehead
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Describe the anatomy and action of frontalis
No bony attachments! Attached to skin of superior forhead and orbital part of orbicularis oculi. Acts to raise the eyebrows, open the eyes and wrinkle the forehead.
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Describe the attachments and action of procerus
Attached between the skin of the inferior forehead and the fascia covering the nasal bones, draws down the medial angle of the eyebrows (allowing frowning)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Give the attachments of buccinator


Alveolar process 1st maxillary molar --> maxillary tuberosity --> palatine bone --> hamulus --> pterygomandibular raphe --> retromolar fossa --> oblique line to alveolar process of 1st mandibular molar. Anteriorly interdigitates with orbicularis oris

Card 3


What structures are numbed by an inferior alveolar nerve block?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the temporal branch of VII serve?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the zygomatic branch of VII serve?


Preview of the front of card 5
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