Anatomy Theme 1

  • Created by: Splodge97
  • Created on: 08-05-17 15:06
What is superficial fascia?
Fascia at the surface of the skin - panniculus carnosus (fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue) above panniculus carnosis (deep layer of mucle in relevant regions)
1 of 14
What are the types of immovable joints?
Symphysis and syndesmosis - slightly movable through compression of structures like intervertebral discs
2 of 14
Describe synovial joints
These are freely movable, having a fluid-filled capsule
3 of 14
What is a synchrondrosis?
Type of immovable joint between bone and cartilage
4 of 14
What is a gomphoesis?
Type of immovable joint between a tooth and its socket
5 of 14
What are anatomoses?
Types of artery which divert blood flow (at surface of skin for temperature homeostasis)
6 of 14
How is lymph flow achieved?
Through a combination of negative throacic pressure, vessel contraction, muscle contraction and valves
7 of 14
Where is mucosal associated lymphoid tissue present?
In the lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, thymus gland and gut (to remove pathogens)
8 of 14
What is present in grey matter?
Cell bodies, associated dendrites and glia
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What is present in white matter?
Axons and glia
10 of 14
Name features of the parasympathetic nervous system
Craniosacral outflow (from brain and spinal cord), preganglionic longer than postganglionic (gangliia clost to target organ)
11 of 14
Name features of the synpathetic nervous system
Has thoracolumnar outflow (from thoracic and lumber spinal cord), preganaglionic shorter than postganglionic (as ganglia close to spinal cord, in sympathetic chain)
12 of 14
How is the braincase formed?
Cranial vault formed from conversion of mesoderm to bone, cranial base formed from conversion of mesoderm to cartilage then bone (why has so many foramina)
13 of 14
What are fontanelles?
Soft spots which occuur before orthgnathic points (where sutures meet) ossify
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the types of immovable joints?


Symphysis and syndesmosis - slightly movable through compression of structures like intervertebral discs

Card 3


Describe synovial joints


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a synchrondrosis?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a gomphoesis?


Preview of the front of card 5
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