Anatomy of the Pelvic Girdle and Thigh

What are the names of the 3 bones which are fused to form the hip?
Ilium, ischium and pubic bones
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What is the name of the indentation where the 3 bones fuse?
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What is the name of the joint where the 2 pubic bones are joined?
Pubic symphysis
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What type of joint is the pubic symphysis?
A secondary cartilaginous joint- doesn't allow much movement
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What is the name of the joint between the hip bone (ilium) and the sacrum?
The sacroiliac joint
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What are the names of the ligaments located anterior and posterior to the sacroiliac joint?
The anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments
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What are the names of the 2 ligaments which secure the lower part of the sacrum to the ischium?
The sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments
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Where is the sacrotuberous ligament located?
Between the sacrum and the tuberosity of the ischium bone (part of hip that you sit on)
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Where is the sacrospinous ligament located?
Between the sacrum and the spine of the ischium bone
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What part of the femur forms part of the hip joint?
The head
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What usually is the ankle between the shaft and the head of the femur?
127 degrees
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What are the names of the 2 bombs on the bone of the femur lateral to and beneath the head and what are the function of these?
The greater trochanter (lateral) and the lesser trochanter (beneath), they are important muscle attachment points
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What would a large tuberosity/trochanter on a bone signify?
That a very large strong muscle is attached there
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What are found on the lateral and medial sides of the distal end of the femur?
The lateral and medial epicondyles
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What are the rounded edges of the femur located inferior to the epicondyles of the femur?
The femoral condyles which contribute to the knee joint
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What is the fascia lata and where is it located?
A thick connective tissue covering located on the thigh beneath the skin
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What is the function of the fascia lata?
Covers the thigh muscles keeping them in position
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What is the iliotibial band/tract and where is it located?
It is a thickening of the fascia lata on the lateral side of the thigh- attached to iliac bone proximally and tibia bone distally
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What is the function of the iliotibial tract?
It supports the hip joint, it is a muscle attachment point and it aids knee extension
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What muscle acts on the iliotibial tract and what movements does this bring about?
Tensor fascia lata, knee extension and medial hip rotation
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Where does the muscle gluteus maximus originate and insert?
Originates from the sacrum and iliac bones as well as the ligaments of the hip, 3 quarters of the muscle inserts into the iliotibial tract and 1 quarter inserts into the femur
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What are the names of the 2 muscles which are located deep to the gluteus maximus muscle?
Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
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Where do both gluteus medius and minimus originate from and insert into?
Posterolateral side of the ilium and the greater trochanter of the femur
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What movements to the gluteus minimus and medius assist in?
Abduction and medial rotation of the femur at the hip joint
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Where do the group of lateral rotator muscles originate and insert into?
Originate from the pelvic girdle and insert into proximal end o the posterior of the femur
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What is the name of the most superior lateral rotator muscle?
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What is the name of the lateral rotator muscles located below periformis?
Gemelli muscles
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What is the name of the lateral rotator muscle which is surrounded by the gemelli muscles?
Obturator internis
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What is the name of the square shaped lateral rotator muscle which is the most inferior?
Quadratis femoris
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Why are the lateral rotator muscles important in maintaining hip stability?
They pull the head of the femur into the acetabulum of the hip joint
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Where does the psoas major muscle originate and insert?
Originates from the lumbar vertebrae and inserts into the lesser trochanter of the femur
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What muscle joints the muscle fibres of psoas major while travelling inferiorly and what is then the name of this muscle?
The fibres of the iliacus muscle, the iliapsoas muscle
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Where does the iliacus muscle originate?
The inner wing of the iliac bone
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What is the name of the must superior muscle in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Sartorius muscle
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Where does sartorial originate and insert?
Originates from the iliac bone and travels diagonally cross the quadriceps to insert into the proximal end of the medial side of the tibia
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What is the name of the main muscle in the quadricep group?
Quadriceps femoris (4 heads)
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Where do the 4 heads of quads femurs originate?
3 from the shaft of the femur and 1 from the iliac bone
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What is the name of the tendon where all 4 heads of quads femoris join ad where does it insert?
Quadriceps tendon, inserts into the patella (knee cap)
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What connects the patella to the tibia?
The patella ligament
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What is the name of the most superficial muscle in the quadriceps group (located below sartorius)?
Rectus femoris
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Where does rectus femora originate?
Originates from the iliac bone and runs inferiorly
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What group of muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh originate from the shaft of the femur?
The vastus muscles (medialis, lateralis and intermedius)
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Where is vastus intermedius located which means it is hard to see?
Under the cover of rectus femoris (deep)
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What is another name for the medial compartment of the thigh?
The adductor group (they bring about adduction)
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Where is the main origin for the adductor group?
The pubic bone of the pelvis (some fibres coming from the ischium)
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Where is the main insertion point of the muscles of the adductor group of the thigh?
The linea aspera of the femur
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What is the most superior muscle in the adductor group?
The pectineus (pubic bone to proximal femur)
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What muscle lies just inferior to penctineus?
Adductor longus (long fibres which pass 2/3 of the way down the femur)
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Where is gracilis muscle located (adductor group)?
Superficial strap muscle located medially, runs down length of femur (pubic bone to tibia)
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Which 2 adductor muscles can you see when you remove pectinous and adductor longus?
Adductor brevis (short muscle pubis to proximal femur) and adductor magnus which is the largest adductor muscle (pubis to whole length of femur)
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Where does adductor magnus insert into?
The length of the femur and the adductor tubercle
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Where do the hamstring muscles originate from and insert?
Otiginate from the ischial tuberosity and insert into either the tibia to the fibula
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Which hamstring muscle has a long and short head and who's fibres run inferomedially?
Biceps femoris
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Where do the 2 heads of biceps femoris originate and insert?
Originate from the ischium (long) and the shaft of the femur (short) and both insert into the head of the fibula
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What are the names of the other 2 hamstring muscles?
Semimembrinosis and semitendinosis
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Where are semi membrinosis and tendinitis located?
Medially on the posterior of the thigh
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How can you tell the 2 'semi' muscles of the hamstring apart?
The distal end of semimembrinosis looks like a broad band of tissue whereas the distal end of semitendinosis looks like a cord shaped tendon
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the name of the indentation where the 3 bones fuse?



Card 3


What is the name of the joint where the 2 pubic bones are joined?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of joint is the pubic symphysis?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the name of the joint between the hip bone (ilium) and the sacrum?


Preview of the front of card 5
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