Amount of substance

Calculations and facts of the amount of substance topic of inorganic chemistry

  • Created by: sb2.0
  • Created on: 15-05-17 13:18
Relative atomic mass
The actual mass of an atom, lightest is hydrogen = 1 the rest are comparisons
1 of 22
Relative atomic mass equation
A,r = average mass of 1 atom of an element / 1/12 mass of one atom of C^12
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relative molecular mass
The mass of one molecule compared to an atom of C^12
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relative molecular mass equation
M,r = average mass of one molecule / 1/12 mass of one C^12 atom
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relative formula mass
calculated the same way as relative molecular mass, for ionic compounds
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avogadro's constant
the actual number of atoms in 1g of H atoms, 6.022 x 10^23
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The amount of a substance containing 6.022 x 10^23 particles.
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number of moles equation
n = m / Mr
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number of moles, solution equation
n = conc. (mol dm^-3) x vol. (cm^3) /1000
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ideal gas equation
PV = nRT , R is 8.31
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units of ideal gas equation
Pressure = Pa, Volume = m^3, Temperature = *K, R (gas constant = J K^-1 mol^-1
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standard conversions of units
kPa to Pa x1000, cm^3 to m^3 /1000000 dm^3 to m^3 /1000, *C to *K +273
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empirical formula
The simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element in a compound
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calculating empirical formula
masses of each element, calculate number of moles of each element, divide by the smallest number of moles, find the whole number ratio
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molecular formula
The actual number of atoms of each element in a compound, a multiple of the empirical formula
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calculating molecular formula
The relative molecular mass / empirical formula mass, multiply empirical formula by this value
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balanced simble equation
using correct formulas, change number of atoms by putting numbers in front, the larger number in front is the number of moles, multiple steps may be needed to balance, charges must be equal on each side of the equation if ions are used
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atom economy
can be found from the balanced symbol equation, the theoretical number of atoms lost in the reaction
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atom economy equation
%ae = mass of desired product / total mass of reactants x 100
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percentage yield
the practical efficiency of a reaction
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percentage yield equation 1
%y = number of moles of desired product / theoretical maximum number of moles of desired product x100
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percentage yield equation 2
%y = mass (g) of desired product / theoretical maximum mass (g) of desired product x100
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A,r = average mass of 1 atom of an element / 1/12 mass of one atom of C^12


Relative atomic mass equation

Card 3


The mass of one molecule compared to an atom of C^12


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


M,r = average mass of one molecule / 1/12 mass of one C^12 atom


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


calculated the same way as relative molecular mass, for ionic compounds


Preview of the back of card 5
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