Amount of substance

  • Created by: charley
  • Created on: 30-08-18 14:46
Avogadro constant
The number of atoms per mole of the carbon-12 isotope. 6.02x10^23/mol
1 of 17
Moles, mass and molar mass equation
Moles=mass/molar mass
2 of 17
Empirical formula
The simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element present in a compound
3 of 17
Molecular formula
The number and type of atoms of each element in a molecule
4 of 17
Containing no water molecules
5 of 17
Water of crystallisation
Water molecules that are bonded into a crystalline structure of a compound
6 of 17
How do you calculate the water of crystallisation?
First work out the moles of the anhydrous salt then calculate the moles of water. Find the smallest whole number ratio, this is the formula for the hydrated salt
7 of 17
Moles, concentration and volume equation
Moles = volume x concentration
8 of 17
Standard solution
A solution of known concentration
9 of 17
Molar gas volume
The volume per mole of gas molecules at a stated temperature and pressure. 24dm^3 at RTP
10 of 17
Amount, volume and molar gas volume equation
Amount = volume/molar gas volume (24)
11 of 17
The ideal gas equation
pV=nRT. R=8.314J/mol/K, temperature is in K, pressure is inPa and volume is in m^3
12 of 17
The ratio of the amount of each substance in a chemical equation
13 of 17
Percentage yield equation
Percentage yield = (actual yield/ theoretical yield) x 100
14 of 17
Limiting reagent
The reactant that will be used up first, stopping the reaction
15 of 17
Atom economy
A measure of how well atoms have been utilised, assuming yield is 100%
16 of 17
Atom economy equation
Atom economy = (the sum of the molar masses of desired products / the sum of the molar masses of all products) x 100
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Moles=mass/molar mass


Moles, mass and molar mass equation

Card 3


The simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element present in a compound


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The number and type of atoms of each element in a molecule


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Containing no water molecules


Preview of the back of card 5
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