Other questions in this quiz

2. What is Hamilton's rule?

  • r b > c with r= coefficient to relatedness. B = benefit to group of species. C= cost to the donar
  • r b> c with r = coefficient to relatedness. b= benefit to the recipient. c= cost to the donor
  • r c > b with r = degree of shared genes. B= benefit to the donor. C= cost to the recipient
  • A & B

3. What is Altruism?

  • The process in which all humans do a self sacrificing act
  • The survival of one species through sacrificing resources
  • Self sacrificing behaviour - the donor incurs reproductive cost (c) while the recipient incurs reproductive benefit (b)
  • The hinderance if reproductive success to the recipient

4. What is the key concept of the Darwinian theory?

  • Survival of the strongest
  • Survival of the weak not strong
  • Survival of fittest and reproductive sucess
  • Species survival through the death of competing species

5. Why can it be argued that altruism is not pro evolutionary?

  • Overtime human beings and other species have evolved to be self sufficient
  • None of the above
  • It is not evolutionary stable strategy ESS
  • If all humans and species did altruistic acts our species would fail to flourish


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