Unseen, Writing and Of Mice and Men


1. Why is the concept of dreaming important in Of Mice and Men?

  • The men didn't know what dreams were
  • If they didn't have a 'dream' then nothing would keep them going through the hard times, the American dream was to own your own business and make lots of money.
  • The men couldn't dream
  • The whole novel is a dream
1 of 10

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2. When was Of Mice and Men Published?

  • 1937
  • 1945
  • 1920
  • 1935

3. Why is the date that Of Mice and Men was published significant?

  • It's not significant
  • It was a fun time and everyone had jobs
  • It was in the depression and has a lot to do with the novel
  • Everyone was rich

4. What does AFOREST mean?

  • Anecdotes, Five, Opinions, Repetition, Emotive Language, Statistics, Time
  • Anecdotes, Facts, Opinions, Rhetorical Questions, Emotive Language, Statistics, Three (list of)
  • Answer, Facts, Overall, Rhyme, Encryption, Skills, Tone
  • Answer, Five, Overall, Rhetorical Questions, Encryption, Statistics, Tone

5. What is the method used to answer unseen poetry?

  • LINE
  • LIST


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