Age Inequality

What did Moore find when conducting research content analysis?
- She dressed up as an old person for research
-She was perceived as hard of hearing, people thought she was confused
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What is the minimum wage issue for the young?
- Minumum wage for 16 & 21 yr olds for doing the same job:
16 - £4.62/hr
21- £8.36/hr
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What age group is the most likely to be unemployed?
- 16-21 yr olds at 12.2%
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What does the IPPR account for this high rate?
- mismatch between what young people are training for and the types of jobs available
- 94,000 ppl trained in hair & beauty for 18,000 jobs
-123,000 ppl trained in construction & engineering for 275,000 jobs
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What does the Ageism in the workplace survey say?
- 82% of older workers (over 50) said they thought it was harder to get a job due to their age
- 11% said they had comments or 'jokes' from colleagues/ managers related to their age.
- Once employed, 52% had seen less experienced colleagues promoted over
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Which 2 age groups are the most likely to be in poverty in the UK?
- children (31% live in poverty) and the elderly (18% live in poverty)
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How does poverty affect a child's life chances?
- affects their education & health.
- They struggle to get to school and have the right equipment for school (material deprivation)
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What are the effects of fuel poverty?
- pensioners may struggle to keep their homes warm so they have to make a choice between 'food or fuel'
- Not being able to afford having heating severely impacts elderly people's health
-On average, 25,000 elderly ppl die prematurely from cold related il
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Why do so many pensioners have to continue working?
- The state pension does not cover their needs -> they have bills that they can't pay with the SP alone
- The UK state pension is the lowest in the developed world
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1. How are young ppl presented in the news according to Wayne?
2. What was being neglected
1. 82% of young ppl were portrayed as either perpetrators of victims of crimes
2. How young ppl are affected by problems in housing, education, health, unemployment etc. was being neglected
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What stereotypes of old people did Landis identify in TV + films?
- Grumpy old man
- Feisty old woman
- Mentally deficient
- Having wisdom
- Experiencing 2nd childhood
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What ageist terms did Ageist Britain find in their content analysis of Twitter?
- More than 2400 terms used in a week
- Most commonly used terms were:
'old fart'
'little old lady/ man'
'bitter old man'
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What is the Negative Labelling and the Self Fulfilling Prophecy?
- negative labels such as 'lonely' force old ppl into acting out an 'elderly role'
-> they are afraid they will be ridiculed for acting younger
->By taking on the 'elderly behaviour' they begin to feel lonely
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What does Parson's bridge analogy represent?
- The bridge from childhood to adulthood
- Explains that while some young ppl behave in a way that seems dysfunctional to society, it can actually allow for a more intergrated society
-E.g. young people may experiment with deviant behaviour
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What are examples of institutions that maintain social stability?
-Agents of social control. They're set up to deal with deviant activities & show young ppl how to behave and thus grow into functional adults
-E.g. a young person will be sanctioned for bunking school -> they then become a member of society who understand
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According to Parsons & Eisenstadt, what main role do the elderly take on?
- Invaluable source of free childcare for many families
-> Grandparents caring for grandchildren
-Eisenstadt argues these roles bring social cohesion
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What is disengagement theory?
- Cummings & Henry 1961
-Argued its functional for society for the elderly to begin to anticipate their own death and disengage from their work roles.
-> Retirement is acceptance that their abilities will deteriorate.
- Retirement leaves a gap that the yo
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What is evaluation of disengagement theory?
-Many elderly ppl cannot affors to retire
-Lacks temporal validity
-Based on small sample of white elderly people.
-Henry disassociated from the theory
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How do Marxists argue that capitalists benefit from the young & elderly?
-Young are easy and cheap to employ
-Elderly provide childcare meaning young ppl can work more
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What is the Reserve Army of Labour & how does this apply to the elderly?
-Some members of society are a secondary source of labour.
-These groups can be used @ boom times as temporary or flexible labour
-Y + e cheap to employ
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What is false consciousness and what 'concessions' do the young & elderly receive that gives them this?
-Ppl do not realise they are being exploited
1. Child benefits
2. Pensions
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How does false consciousness benefit capitalists?
-Creates a form of dependency, legitimising the need for the powers of authority.
-> Thus both y + e do not question their exploitation through the labour market, accepting things such as zero-hours contracts
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According to Phillipson, why does capitalism institutionally marginalize the elderly?
-Capitalism needs to continually renew its workforce to ensure greater profit by using young workers.
->This means having a system where the elderly are institutionally marginalized
> process of forced dependency: e.g. elderly being made to retire, the ne
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How are Marxist views criticised?
-They ignore that the experience of ageing is not homogeneous.
-Other factors can affect the experience of ageing: e.g. class, gender, nationality, wealth & disability.
-Some elderly ppl are not systematically marginalized. They are able to work into thei
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How do Weberians link market position to high or low status?
-If someone does not have the required skills in the market place then they will suffer low status (e.g. elderly ppl who don't have tech skills)
-> However if someone is upper class + elderly then they will not suffer loss of status as their financial sit
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What are negatively privileged status groups?
-being kept out of high status privileged groups through social segregation.
e.g. ethnic minorities
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How can the elderly be socially segregated?
-in media
-> through negative portrayals
-in employment
-> through retirement
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What do some interactionsists believe will increase people's happiness?
(interactionists directly challenge disengagement theory)
-Staying mentally + physically active
-Having positive interactions means elderly ppl don't completely disengage from society
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How did Havinhust criticise Disenagement theory?
-argued inequality is more about having social interaction than just age
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What does Statham theorise about grandparents?
-continued social interaction (providing childcare) may change the inequalities faced by some elderly ppl who are isolated
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What is Victor's theory about negative labelling & self fulfilling prophecy?
-If elderly are labelled as 'useless, lonely, dependent' then stereotypes may become reality.
-> elderly then feel they have to become these things to fulfill elderly role.
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What is evaluation of social action theory (through Marxism)?
-fails to recognise importace of capitalism as main cause of age inequality
-fails to recognise power of institutional marginalization in a cap society
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What is the post modernist view of age inequality?
-view old age as a positive time of life -- not being marginalised
-some po-mos have argued that consume culture gives a different picture of the elderly
-Rather than the stereotype of the elderly being marginalised, advertisers are focusing on the elderl
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What are examples of advertisers focus on the elderly?
-SKIER (spending the kids inheritance)
-GRUMPY (grown up urban professionals)
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What did Laczko and phillipson conclude about the inequality faced by some elderly people?
-found that the inequality faced by some elderly people was due to wealth & not ageing itself
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What did Blaikie argue about ageing for these people?
-positive ageing
-agrees with the idea pf a fourth age filled with active but leisure based pursuits.
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What were Priestley's thoughts about the 'mask' of old age?
-one thing on the outside, another on the inside
-Priestley said ageing was like someone kidnapped him & made him old but he had the same thoughts as he did when he was younger.
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How do po mos link the mask to negative labelling?
-Inequalities faced by elderly might be linked to labelling/ stereotypes more than ageing
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the minimum wage issue for the young?


- Minumum wage for 16 & 21 yr olds for doing the same job:
16 - £4.62/hr
21- £8.36/hr

Card 3


What age group is the most likely to be unemployed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the IPPR account for this high rate?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the Ageism in the workplace survey say?


Preview of the front of card 5
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