Aeneid Book 1

  • Created by: Chessie03
  • Created on: 30-03-17 10:32
What are two things Virgil 'sings of in this poem?
Arms and of the man
1 of 20
Complete this sentence: 'Great too were his sufferings in war before he could found his city and...'
carry his gods into Latium
2 of 20
Which city did the person who founded Cathage come from?
3 of 20
How does Virgil indicate that Juno loved Cathage most on earth?
Keeps her armour and chariot there
4 of 20
Give two reasons why Juno hates the Trojans
The Golden Apple incident and Ganymede
5 of 20
Where were the Trojans leaving when Juno saw them?
6 of 20
Why does Aeolus agree to send a storm upon the Trojan ships?
Juno promised him a nymph as a wife
7 of 20
What is the simile that is used to describe Neptune when he calms the storm?
Someone who is know for being wise calming an angry mob
8 of 20
How many ships reach the coast with Aeneas?
9 of 20
What is the name of Aeneas' companion he goes with to Cathage?
10 of 20
How do we know that people are working hard to build Cathage?
They are compared to a hive of bees
11 of 20
Where does Aeneas see scenes from the Trojan War?
In the temple for Juno
12 of 20
What is the impression of the Greeks form this inscription?
They are brutal and ruthless
13 of 20
Who is Dido compared with as she enters into view?
14 of 20
What is Dido's reaction when she sees Aeneas?
15 of 20
What gift does Aeneas order to be given to Dido?
Golden robe and a dress
16 of 20
Why does Venus send Cupid In Ascanius' place to the palace?
So he can sit of Dido's knee and make her fall in love with Aeneas
17 of 20
What is the first identifier that Dido has fallen in love with Aeneas?
18 of 20
What does Dido pray for as she toasts the Trojans
That they will be happy
19 of 20
What does Dido ask Aeneas to tell?
The whole story of what happened at Troy
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Complete this sentence: 'Great too were his sufferings in war before he could found his city and...'


carry his gods into Latium

Card 3


Which city did the person who founded Cathage come from?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does Virgil indicate that Juno loved Cathage most on earth?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give two reasons why Juno hates the Trojans


Preview of the front of card 5
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