Adaptation for Survival

  • Created by: A_Ghazali
  • Created on: 08-05-16 16:42

1. Why would short roots help a plant to survive?

  • So that it doesn't need to use much energy to grow roots to reach water.
  • So that it can be pulled out easily by gardeners.
  • So that it can take nutrients from the surface of the soil.
  • So that animals who eat them are able to pull them out with ease.
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2. What is the use of camouflage?

  • So each of the animals have some experience in acting like a chameleon.
  • So the prey does not see the predator coming, and so the prey cannot be noticed by the predator.
  • The animal's skin is adapted to look beautiful amongst its surroundings.
  • Animals always enjoy a game of hide and seek.

3. What are the organisms that survive and reproduce in the most difficult conditions known as?

  • Abnormal
  • Extremophiles
  • Enzymes
  • Outrageous

4. How do plants loose water from their leaves?

  • The sun heats the leaves of the plant allowing water to be evaporated every time the plant inhales carbon dioxide.
  • The stomata in the leaves allow water loss through evaporation every time they open for respiration.
  • The chlorophyll allows evaporation to take place during photosynthesis.

5. Venus flytrap survive by trapping flies and digesting them. Why?

  • Because they do not have a structure similar to other plants, and cannot produce their own food. Therefore, to survive, it eats flies.
  • Because they are adapted to only digest flies and cannot photosynthesise.
  • Because the grow in bogs, which has soil with very few nutrients.
  • Because it lives by its name. It is called a flytrap, therefore it finds it rude to not trap flies.


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