Acute peril disorders

  • Created by: megh98
  • Created on: 21-05-19 16:34
Acute forms of gingivitis
Mechanical, Chemical, Fungal, Viral, Bacterial
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Acute forms of Perio
Abscess, Mechanical, Parafunctional
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NUG definition
acute inflammatory destructive disease of periodontium. caused by plaque confined to gingival
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Systemic factors of NUG
Smoking, Stress, Malnutrition, HIV, Downs syndrome
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Local factors of NUG
Pre-exisiting perio and gingivitis, OH, Smoking
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Clinical features of NUG
Inflammatory destructive gingival disease characterised by ulcers and necrosis of ID papillae, leaving a punched out appearance. Yellow ulcers and white sloughing
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gingival response to NUG
hyperaemic, inflammation and necrosis expose CT, infiltration of PMNL (WBC), halitosis - metallic
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Treatment of NUG
eliminate inflammation - decrease disease activity, prevent necrosis and pain, 1. debridement with ultrasonic 2. Personal home care plan - OH, CHx, Smoking 3. Systemic antibiotics (Metronidazole 400mg x3 x3 // Pen V 250mg x4 x5 ) 4. Review 3-5 days
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Antioboics for NUG
Metronidazole 400mg x3 x3 // Pen V 250mg x4 x5
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Long term treatment for NUG
improve plaque control
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PHG - Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis clinical features
Crops of small vesicles which rupture and ulcerate, erythema and oedema
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Treatment of PHG
Reassure parent, disease is self limiting and burns out within 10-12 days w/out scarring. it is contagious
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is PHG contagious
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Supportive therapy for PHG
CHx 0.2% MW and Acyclovir 200mg x5 x5
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Secondary HSV1 infection clinical features
Coldsores - virus remains in trigeminal ganglion
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Triggers of secondary HSV1
UV, immunosuppressed, Trauma
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Treatment of Secondary HSV1
Topical/Systemic Acyclovir
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Acute forms of Perio


Abscess, Mechanical, Parafunctional

Card 3


NUG definition


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Systemic factors of NUG


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Local factors of NUG


Preview of the front of card 5
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