ace 210 midterm 2

  • Created by: ENee97
  • Created on: 28-10-18 20:38

1. what is false for subsidy against ta emission policies, or a deposit refund system?

  • the subsidy will cause ttal vinyl reduction to be done cost effectively
  • the subsidy program wont give firms an incentive to innoate and find cheaper vinyl alternatives
  • in the long run (when firms can enter and exit the industries) the subsidy will cause more vinyl to be used than the tax
1 of 10

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2. which is false for tx v subsidy v deposit systems?

  • the subsidy progra will give firs an incentive to innovate and find cheaper vinyl alternative.
  • the sibsidywill not cause total vinyl reduction to be done CE
  • in the long term (when firms can enter and exit their industries) the subsidy wil cause more vinyl to be used than the tax

3. for a gov with uncertainty about MAC curves who are trying to reduce dry cleaners pollution, what is true about using emission taxes?

  • with the tax the giv will be uncertain about how much emission reduction will ensue
  • with the tax the gov will be uncertain about what the marginal abatement cost will be that the dry cleaners end up bearing
  • the gov should choose he tax if the MD curve slopes sharply upward

4. for tradable permits, which is false?

  • because the equimarginal priniple is satisfied, the level of totl abatment induced by a TDP rogram will be efficient
  • a tradable permit program provides firs with lower incentives to engagae in tch innocation than does an equivalent emission tax
  • the market prce of the peermits will fall i more permits are given out
  • the final allocation of clean up does not depends on the initial allocation of permits

5. for a gov with uncertainty about MAC curves who are trying to reduce dry cleaners pollution, what is true about using tradable permits?

  • with the trdable permits the gov will be uncertin about what the MAC will be that they dry cleaners end up bearing
  • with the trdable permits the gov will be uncertin about how much emissio reduction ill ensue


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