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6. how would you check for concurrent validity:

  • correlating your test with one in the future
  • correlate scores from a new test that has not been validated and an old established test. look for a strong positive correlation
  • experts examine all parts of the test until they agree that the content is appropriate
  • you would get people to make a judgment

7. how would you check for predictive validity:

  • correlating your test with one in the future
  • experts examine all parts of the test until they agree that the content is appropriate
  • you would get people to make a judgment
  • correlate scores from a new test that has not been validated and an old established test. look for a strong positive correlation

8. what is the definition of refers to whether or not a test or measuring instrument measures what it is should do

  • predictive validity
  • content validity
  • face validity
  • concurrent validity