A2 Economics OCR F585 Key Terms- Integration and Balance of Payments

Flash cards to help memorise key terms and definitions.

  • Created by: E.A.B
  • Created on: 25-01-13 09:59
Balance of Payments
The record of economic and financial flows into and out of a country over a specific amount of time.
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Capital Account
The account that records long-term flow of capital into and out of an economy. It records purchases and sales of assets and compoprises of long-term capital flows and short-term capital flows.
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Thirwell's Law
The more inelastic your YED for imports, the higher the level of economic growth you can have whilst keeping your Balance of Payments in equilibrium.
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Marshall-Lerner Condition
For a depreciation of the currency to improve the balance of trade the sum of the price elasticities of demand (PEDs) for imports and exports must be greater than 1.
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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Investment made by multinational corporations or other foreign bodies in a country other than that in which the company is based.
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Trade Diversion
Where economic integration results in trade switching from a low-cost supplier outside the economically integrated area to a less efficient source within the area.
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Trade Creation
Where economic integration results in high-cost domestic production being replaced by imports from a more efficient source within the economically integrated area.
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Free Trade Area (FTA)
Stage of Integration: Removal of tariffs & quotas but that is all. Causes "Trade Diversion"
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Customs Union
Stage Of Integration: Common external trade policy, usually common external tariffs. But within Europe Non-tariff barriers may still exist.
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Single Market
Stage Of Integration: No restrictions on movements of Labour & Capital, no Non-tariff Barriers (NTB). Often common policies such as employment law.
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Economic Union
Stage Of Integration: Centralising policies in some areas, usually through taxation.
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Monetary Union
Stage Of Integration: Common approach to monetary policy, and often a single currency. Leads to Central Bank and harmonised fiscal policy. Simplifies trade (no changing of currency), reduces transaction costs, easier to predict future.
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Positive Integration
Price Disparities are narrowed, as trade within the FTA is encouraged.
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Real Exchange Rates
An exchange rate calculated to take into account the inflation rates of the respective countries.
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Fixed Exchange Rates
An exchange rate system where one currency's value is permanently set against another country's currency.
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Floating Exchange Rates
An exchange rate system where the currency's value is determined by the forces of supply and demand.
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Revaluation of a Currency
In a fixed exchange rate system, when the value of a currency goes up.
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Devaluation of a Currency
In a fixed exchange rate system, when the value of a currency goes down.
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Depreciation of a Currency
In a floating exchange rate system, when there is a fall in the value of the currency.
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Appreciation of a Currency
In a floating exchange rate system, when there is a rise in the value of the currency.
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Card 2


The account that records long-term flow of capital into and out of an economy. It records purchases and sales of assets and compoprises of long-term capital flows and short-term capital flows.


Capital Account

Card 3


The more inelastic your YED for imports, the higher the level of economic growth you can have whilst keeping your Balance of Payments in equilibrium.


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Card 4


For a depreciation of the currency to improve the balance of trade the sum of the price elasticities of demand (PEDs) for imports and exports must be greater than 1.


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Card 5


Investment made by multinational corporations or other foreign bodies in a country other than that in which the company is based.


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