Other questions in this quiz

2. How did the internal passport idea prevent radical ideas spreading?

  • It controlled people into certain areas ; preventing radical ideas spreading also
  • The passport idea wasn't used to prevent radical ideas spreading

3. Why were the Gendarmes not very useful?

  • After 20 years active pursuit they only caught 4113 despite claims that "revolutionaries were everywhere"
  • They were expensive to fund from the Treasury
  • A lot of Gendarmes took bribes

4. In 1884 the Universities were being monitored by the Ministry of Interior why?

  • The Universities were the cause of radical ideas spreading; and teaching debate subjects made the students more radical
  • The Universities results were poor consistently
  • The Universities couldn't limit their spending

5. How did the peasantry respond to the Land Captains introduced in 1889?

  • They created a petition for the Tsar showing their discontent
  • They responded with the Red Cockeral years between 1902-7 where landowners and bailiffs were murdered and land taken illegally
  • They didn't react


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