Worship and why its important to Christians



Different types of worship:

Liturgical worship- a church service that follows a set structure or ritual

Non-Liturgical worship-a service that does not follow a set or text ritual

Informal worship - a type of non liturgical worship , sometimes spontaneous or charismatic in nature

Private worship- when a beliver praises or honours God on his or her own 

What do Christians do during worship?

  • Praise God- Glory to God the creator
  • Thank God - Saying Grace
  • Ask forgiveness of sins
  • Petition God- Ask for help or protection

What are the benefits of worship/why do Christians worship?

  • It helps them feel closer to God
  • Deapens their relationship with God
  • Gives them comfort during difficult times
  • Gives them strength to live a more Christian life
  • Shows respect to God
  • To show that they love God 
  • To show that they can give up their time for him

Advantages and Disadvantages of different types of worship?


Ad- Know what to expect during the service (traditional)

Dis- Not everyone will be able to take part every week

Non Liturgical

Ad- The service isn't exactly the same every week e.g Bible readings , Hymns 

Dis- Holy Communion only once every month


Ad- Personal connection with God

Dis-Easily distracted as everyone is doing there own personal thing being loud or moving around


Ad- You cvan choose how and when you want to worship 

Dis- Can't share your experience with others

Characteristics of Liturgical and Non Liturgical Worship


- The people recieve forgiveness…


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