Women's Trade Unions


Women's Trade Union

The number of women entering the workforce increased as did discrimination. Women were usaully paid lower than men even though in cases they might be the doing the exact same job. Unions were dominated by men but in some cases, KOL encouraged women to join in the early 1880s. African-Americans, Hispanics and immigrant women also experienced the worst levels of exploitations. In 1903, The Women's Trade Union League was already set up, under the leadership of Mary Kenny O'Sullivan and Rose Schneiderman, it aimed to focus on encouraging and supporting women into orgainising themselves into Unions. Its support was apparent at the incident of the fire at Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in 1911, that killed 145 workers.The League also focused on the enfranchishement of women needing political influence to bring about protection at work. Eleanor Roosevelt was also a supporter of the league during the 1930s when her husband, FDR articulated…


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