Women in Britain during WW2

  • Created by: kira
  • Created on: 10-03-11 17:46


  • There were women doing war work.
  • There were women doing work in the armed forces.
  • All women under fifty worked.
  • Married women also worked.
  • They were also keeping the family going.
  • Women did a lot of voluntary work.
  • Women built aircrafts and trained as pilots to deliver aircrafts to airfeilds.
  • They worked as fire wardens and looked after people who had been hurt or those who were made homeless during the air raids.
  • Once war was declared, women flooded into the work place.They were recruited by the Ministry of Labour and the National Service to fill the jobs that men had left behind so they could work in the armed sevices.
  • Conscription for men had been introduced from the very start of the war, aware of the crucial part that women had played in the previous war, the government swung in to action.
  • The economy of the country had to be kept going while the men were away fighting.
  • The economy had to support…


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