Women And The Family Russia


Women And The Family 

  • Women tended to play a supporting role in soviet propaganda, Worker and Kolkhoz Wman 1937 
  • During CIvil War under Lenin men were the main focus of posters
  • Women during the second world war represented differently, more leading roles. The Motherland is calling
  • In 1963 Valentia Tereshkova first woman in space, greatly celebrated in the soviet union 
  • Brezshnev presented a more traditional view of women, 1970s pronatal campaign to get women to have more children 
  • By 1955 49% of soviet workforce were women 
  • During NEP women prostitution was made legal, 39% of urban men used prostitutes in this time
  • During 5 year plans more women joined the workforce, 1929-1940 increased by 10 million 
  • However women only got payed 60% of


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