Wikstrom and Tafel

  • Created by: vicky
  • Created on: 31-05-12 10:40

Turning To Crime – What Are The Causes of Criminal Behaviour?



1.3 Poverty & Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods


–    Socio-economic deprivation can be considered a possible explanation for the crime of theft. However, it is also important to remember to consider individual differences.

–    Most poor people choose not to steal.

–    Disadvantaged neighbourhoods are often associated to gangs but this links more clearly to the influence of peers.


Wikstrom and Tafel (2003) The Peterborough Study


Aims of the study:


–    To investigate the reasons behind why young people offend.




–                2000 students in year 10.

–                Participants were aged 14 – 15.




–                A cross-sectional study was carried out.

–                Data was taken


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