Why was there a revolution in France?



  • Doubled the Third Estates' representatives - avoiding pronouncemet on voting procedure - increased number was meaningless.
  • Threat of using force - used troops to lock and guard the meeting hall - the king would use armed force against them.
  • Debt had risen from 8m to 12m livres.
  • No taxation without consent, the abolition of the lettres de cachet, the freedom of the press, abolition of internal customs barriers, the GABELLE and CORVEE.
  • 30,000 soldiers in Paris to 'preserve order' - disperse the assembly by force.
  • Declared that any resolutions made by the Third Estate deputies acting on its own were void and that the estates generals should continue to meet in 3 seperate assemblies - the third estate was then joined by 151 clergy and 47 nobles including the royal prince, Duc d'Orleans.
  • Agreed with Necker to hold a royal session for all 3 estates.
  • He was losing control - backed down after riots broke out.
  • Few Third Estate deputies trusted the king.


  • Threat of the use of force by Louis XVI.
  • By 4th July, there were just under 30,000 soldiers stationed in Paris.
  • Meeting hall was closed and guarded by royal troops - the TENNIS COURT OATH.
  • Impact of the American revolution - successful democracy established.
  • The economy in 1789: food prices rocketed, poor harvest, growing population, by spring…


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