Why was there discontent in Spain in 1931?

  • Created by: gabbyxoxo
  • Created on: 23-05-17 20:09

Problems in; 

The church/religion

  • By 1931, it was clear that bishops in Spain were against any political economic or social change. 
  • The Catholic Church had almost complete control over education in Spain and illiteracy rates were over 50% due to the focus on religion in education, much worse than in the rest of Western Europe. 
  • It was believed that by 1914, religious orders controlled one-third of Spain's wealth and owned many industrial enterprises.

The army/military 

  • In 1898, Spain was defeated in war by the US and was forced to cede Cuba, Puerto Rico and its Pacific colonies, including the Philippines. 
  • During 'Tragic Week', 25th July - 2nd August 1909, a week of rioting in Barcelona, armed forced opened fire on demonstrators and killing 175 civilians (many of whom were anarchists). 
  • In 1914, there were 100,000 serving soldiers in a population of just 24 million and a high number of officers, one for every ten soldiers. 
  • In 1921, Spanish forces were defeated by Moroccan tribespeople at the battle of Annual. 
  • A quarter of Spain's…


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