Who was Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset?


Genuine Humanitarian who wanted to help the poor?

  • his campaign against enclosure (he was the head of the Enclosure Commission 1548/9) earned him the title "Good Duke"
  • Vagrancy Act 1547 - Sunday collections in Parish churches went towards erecting cottages for impotent poor as well as making arrangements for beggar children - training them for honest callings and appealing for public work programmes
  • reigned in Treason Act and guarenteed people more freedoms
  • tried to win over rebels (Ketts Rebelion 1549) with pardons before using force
  • good to enemies / adversaries (sent his own doctor to care for Gardiner when he was ill in the Tower of London)
  • first English ruler to prohibit duels, made no use of torture and ensured people seen as witches did not have to face the full extent of the law
  • established court of requests in his own home to give justice to the poor - he also promised to bring Parliament forward be 1 month so they could bring forward a bill of complaints

Arrogant and self-seeking, stubborn and wouldn`t heed government advice, showed minimal interest in social reform?

  • poor attitude to government / administration - ignoring the council and ideas that weren`t his own…


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