UNIT 1 - What makes someone believe in God?

  • Created by: Sadia K
  • Created on: 12-11-12 23:04

1.1 - A Christian Upbringing

Going to Church on a Sunday - supports belief in God because you are taught Biblical stories, and you will worship alongside a community of individuals who have a strong faith.

Being taught the Nativity story - supports belief in God because it is fun for children and it gives them some background on Christmas celebrations. It encorouges children to think about how Jesus's birth was special and he is God.

Reading thr Bible - supports belief in God because people will find things they can relate to, and children could be interested in where their religion came from.

Attending Sunday school - This supports belief in God because children would be surrounded by a religious and moralistic atmosphere where they can have fun learning with others.

1.2 - Religious Experiences

Numinous is the feeling that there is a greater power than you, it is a sense of amazement. For some, this feeling is gained from being in the presence of something great. E.g. Seeing the ocean and how vast it is, being amazed by the beauty of it. 

Miracles are events that ust have been caused by God because it goes against laws of science and there is no other way of explaining it. One example could be when a person is ill and they make a sudden unexpected recovery. 

Prayer can convince a person that God exists. It is an intensely personal way of communicating with God where you can thank praise or ask Him for help. Responses to prayer is what leads some to believe in God. Muslims pray five times a day.

Conversion is feeling you want to change your life and turn it around. Examples include: Cat Stevens, Saul who is described as Jewish in the Bible and as someone who hated Christianity. Saul used to kill Christians, but when Jesus suddenly appeared before him, he realised he is God becuase he fell to his knees and went blind and dumb.

A mystical religious experience is when someone feels God has "spoken" to them directly (hearing a voice, having a dream or a vision). St Theresa of Avila frequently heard God speaking to her very clearly. 

1.3 - The Media & Attitudes to belief in God

The media should be able to criticise religions because: they have the freedom of speech; to voice their opinion. The media can have a positive influence, and could stimulate other's views because they can bring forth ideas which some have not thought about yet. They have the right to challenge someone else's view.

On the other hand, their facts could be incorrect and they could offend people. Mostly, the media sensationalise stories to gain more profit or ratings. They could create stereotypes and could influence people negatively.

1.4 - The Arguement from Design

William Paley (1743 - 1805):

1. If you were out walking and you stumbled across a watch, you could see that it carries out a particular purpose. It has been designed…


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