West Side Story.


So how does West Side Story relate to Romeo and Juliet?

In plays, as in real life, individuals’ actions can change the course of events in theirs, as well as, other individuals’ lives.  In both Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story, the lovers were forced to take their own lives or be killed because of fate and the actions of others. 
In Romeo and Juliet, one character who is partly responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is Tybalt.  Tybalt enrages Remeo and causes him to kill Tybalt.  In Romeo and Juliet, this brings about Romeo’s exile from Verona.  If Romeo had not been exiled from Verona, he would have heard of Friar Lawrence’s plan to keep Juliet from getting married.  If he had known of the plan, he would not have gone to the vault and killed himself over what he thought was Juliet’s dead body. 
In West Side Story, a character with a role similar to Tybalt is Bernardo.  In West


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