Weimar Republic

  • Created by: hibaq8
  • Created on: 04-05-16 19:24

Weimar Republic:

  • Weimar Constitution- November 1918- Ebert told Hugo Preuss to draft up a new constitution.
  • Germany was declared a 'democratic state' and a republic. It had a federal structure with 17 regional states, Lander, e.g. Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony.
  • President:
  • Right to dissolve the Reichstag. 
  • Appoint and dismiss a chancellor.
  • Supreme Commander of the A
  • rmed Forces.
  • Rule by decree at a time of National emergency to oversee the Reichstag- Article 48.
  • Parliment- two houses- Reichstag and Reichsrat
  • Reichstag:
  • Main representative assembly and law amking body of the parliment.
  • They consist of deputies elected every four years on the basis of a system of proportional representation.
  • Allocated members to parliment from he official list of political party candidates.
  • Distributed on the basis of one member fo every 60,000 votes in an electoral district.
  • Reichsrat:
  • Less important house in parliment. 
  • It was made up members of representatives from all of the 17 state regional governments- Lander, which all held local representatives such as education, police.
  • They could only delay or initiate proporals and the Reichstag overruled them.
  • Bill of Rights:
  • Personal liberty and the right to free speech. 
  • Censorship was forbidden
  • Equalit before the law of all Germans
  • Religious freedom and no State Church was allowed.
  • Welfare Provision, e.g. housing, disabled, orphans, protection of Labour.
  • Supreme Court:
  • Right wing judges- symapthetic to the Right wingers. 
  • Created to settle different interpretations of law.
  • 'Weimar was initially seen as 'the most advanced democracy in the world' The Constitution failed to control the conditions and cirumstanced in which it had to operate.
  • Heuss said "Germany never conquered democracy for herself. Democracy never came to Germany... in the wake of defeat".
  • It was unrealistic to imagine that any piece of paper could have resolved all Germany's problems after 1918.
  • Treaty of Versailles in 1918- Woodrow Wilson- 14 plan- He drew up these points hoping it would create a more just world.
  • Aims: to bring international disarmament, to apply the principle of self- determination, to create a League of Nations to maintain international peace.
  • Clemenau- He was motiated by revenge and determined to gain financial compensation and to satisfy France's security concerns. His aim was to: 1) annex the Rhineland to create a buffer state.
  • 2) Impose the major disarmament of Germany.
  • 3) Impose heavy reparations in order to weaken Germany.
  • 4) Get recompense from damage of the war in order to finance rebuilding.
  • David Lloyd-George- he was keen to uphold British national interest.
  • He at first wanted to seek revenge but knew that there needed to be a compromise. His aim was to: 1) guarantee British military security- to secure naval supremacy.
  • 2) Keep  communism at bay.
  • 3) Limit rench demands because he feared that excessively weakening Germany would have serious economic consequences for the European economy.
  • Terms of the Treaty of Versailles:
  • 1) Territorial arrangements- Alsace-Lorraine- Germany to return tehse provinces to France.
  • 2) Austria- he union of Germany with Austria- Anschluss was forbidden.
  • 3)13% of…


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