Weberian view of inequality

  • Created by: bekoko
  • Created on: 09-12-15 12:24

What is Weberiansim?

  • Max Weber (the founder of Webariansm) was a social action theorist that has been described as the 'ghost of Marx'. He wanted to understand the meanings behind people's actions and gain veresthen.
  • He agreed with Marx that the ownership of property and capital were important dimensions of privilege within society, however not the only dimensions.
  • Weber argued that social inequality was largely a product of three dimensions; class (ecomominc conditions such as a persons income, wealth and occupation), status (a persons social standing within society/community), and power (political dimesions and issues of power).
  • Using his definition Weber identified 4 social classes:
    • 1) The privileged by virtue of property and or/education
    • 2) The petit-bourgeoisie (shop keepers and small business men)
    • 3) White collar workers (technicians, clerks and managers)
    • 4) Blue collar workers (the manual working class)

Webarian veiw on inequality

  • Webarians belive that a person's life chances (the opportunities a person has to have a decent education, housing, health and employment) are severly affected by inequality and class, status and power.
  • Class
    • This is concerend with the production of goods and the ownership, or non owership, of economic resources as well as occupational skills.
    • A person's class is based on what they bring to the 'market place'.
    • This market place consists of many positions which vary according to the source, amount of money, education and skills. those with more will acheive more (meritocracy).
    • Homogeneous classes are not a given, so within a class there are several layers.
    • People can be socially mobile.
    • The…


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