
  • Created by: lauryn_ga
  • Created on: 05-10-15 20:58

A wave carries energy or information from one to place to another through vibrations. They have a pattern which repeats itself. 

Wavelength The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two consecutive crests. It is measured in metres and uses the symbol ƛ.  Frequency  The frequency of a wave is the number of complete waves that pass a fixed point in a secound. It is measured in hertz and uses the symbol f. Amplitude The amplitude of a wave is the greatest displacement of the wave from it's undisturbed position (the centre of the wave to top or bottom of the crest). It is measured in metres. 


Velocity= Frequency x Wavelength  V= fƛ Tranverse waves A transverse wave is one in which the vibrations are at 90° to the direction in which the wave is travelling.  Longitudinal waves LOngitudinal waves vibrate backwards and forwards parallel to the direction to the direction in which the wave is travelling.    . Ripple tanks ^^^reflection of straight waves at a  plane barrier^^^ (Angle of reflection and incidence are equal and both have the same wavelength)  Refraction of straight waves by a plane boundary  When plane waves refract by a plane boundary, the waves enter the lane and bends towards the normal and the wavelength becomes smaller. After the waves leaves the other side of the plane it returns to its original angle as it bends away from the normal again and the wavelength increases back to the original. 


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