Was collectivisation a success?

  • Created by: esthelc14
  • Created on: 21-04-16 22:40


  • By 1936, 90% of farms had been collectivised
    -This shows success becauseit shows that much of the land was now state ownes. Therefore, Stalin had been able to achieve his aim in creating more power and control over the people.
    -Was taking a greater step towards communism as the peasants were no longer holding their own land, so everything was now shared bwtween the people- even their prododuce.
  • By 1934, there was only passive opposittion from the peasants
    -implies that they had been crushed, so Stalin had been successful in showing that he had the greatest power and control and it had broken the control and influence the peasants believed they had over the governement
    -less likely to face opposition from them
    -eventhough it may be argued that there was still oppostion, it is almost impossible to implement any regime without opposition.
  • 20.8 million tons of grain was requisteed by the end of 1931
    -Stalin had been able to achieve his aim in getting the grain from the peasants
    -peasants can't hoard it anymore
    -complete access to the peasants grain
    -can help with exports-> improve economy 
  • Increase in exports meant that it wouls improve the economy
    -therefore, it would show those who opposed him that his


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