Warnings in Handmaid's and Frankenstein

  • Both novels warn us about a society where women are not involved in creation and how it can be detrimental
  • both novels warn us about how oppression and isolation can change the way we as humans will act
  • warn us how human beings, men in particular 'playing god' will never end well. when men play god they ignore womens voices.
  • see that men are incompetent- Fred waterford is one of the founders of Gilead and he can't even stick to his own regime.... Victor creator of the creature and abandons him immediately.
  • Creature is paralleled with the Gileadean regime, Victor and the commander parallel eachother in that they both seek to create something new and groundbreaking, but end up not sticking to it and causing paing to others.
  • 'you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs…




These literary works, although written in different time periods, offer insightful critiques of authoritarianism, gender inequality, and the dangers of scientific advancements. You can also read https://germangirlinamerica.com/castle-frankenstein-in-germany-a-castle-swirled-in-mystery-and-legend/ article that delves into the fascinating history and lore surrounding the famous castle that inspired Mary Shelley's iconic novel. The castle's mystique and connection to Shelley's cautionary tale further enrich our understanding of the warnings embedded within "Frankenstein."