Vietnam War Tactics


US strategies 

Bombing achevived:

- Vietcong supply lines were disrupted 

- North Vietnam's industry and military production was badly damaged. 

- Extensive bombing of North Vietnam encouraged the Communist leaders to seek a negotiated end to the war 

Bombing chemical weapons acheived:

- Most of North Vietnam was bombed with high explosives but the jungle in South Vietnam was bombed with chemical weapons.

- Agent Orange was used to destroy jungle foliage in order to help find Vietcong fighters. 

- Naplam was highly inflammable and bburnt everything which in cam in contact with but its use was very controversial and it burnt its victims. 

Search and destory 

- The vietcong used guerilla tactics against the Americans meaning there were few large scale battles. Instead, the Vietcong would use 'hit and run' on American bases. 

- So the search and destroy tactic was developed and involved helicopters landing in Vietnamese villages and kill hiding Vietcong fighters. 

Seach and Destroy drawbacks:

- Vietcong would set traps for inexperienced US fighters. 

- Sometimes the wrong villages were attacked. 

- Large number of Vietnamese civillians casulties 

- Made the US soliders very unpopular with the local civilians and encourage many to join the Vietcong. 

Reasons for the American withdrawel from Vietnam

Low morale and


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