unit 1



water is imprtant as it in cells it makes up 65-95% of the mass in any plants or animals. each human individual is about 70% water

the water molcule is dipole  which means one end is postively charged (hydrgoen) and one end negatively charged (oxygen) but has no charge overall.

the charges are very small delta postive and delta negative. hydrogen bonds form between d+ on hydrogen atom of one molecule and d- on oxygen of another molecule. on its own hydrogen bongs are very week. but large numbers of hydrogen bonds makes it difficult for them to sperate

solvant- water molecules are dipoles, they attract charged molecules such as glucose. these then disolve in water so chemical reactions take place in the water solution.

metabolite- water is used in many biocmecial reactions as a reactants. many reactions in the body involve hydrolisis where water splits


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