Types of Research Methods


Non-Experimental Methods:

  • Interview

Unstructured Interview: casual conversation, no set questions and the participant has the opportunity to raise the topics they feel is relevant and ask in their own waty. Qualitative Data colected.

Structured: Job interviews. Fixed, predetermined set of questions that are put to every participant in the same order/way. Interviewer is in their role, social distance from the interviewee.

  • Questionnaire

A written interview. Carried out face to face, telephone/post. Questions can be open or closed, alternative. Choice of questions are important because they need to avoid bias/ambiguity - can't cause offence.

  • Correlational Analysis

An association, the extent that two variables are related. If an increase in one variable with another, positive correlation.

Negative correlation and Zero correlation. The relationship between two variables.

Experimental Methods:

  • Lab

Conducted in a well-controlled environment, accurate and objective measurements are possible.

The researcher decides where the experiment will take place, at what time with which participants, circumstance and procedure prepared.

  • Field

Conducted in everyday enviornment


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