Types of Muscles

  • Created by: M_64
  • Created on: 15-04-19 08:04


-Upper arm
-Extend the arm at the elbow
-Press up or throwing a javelin
-Upper arm
-Flexion of arm at the elbow
-Bicep curl
-Top of  shoulder
-Abduct upper arm at shoulder
-Throwing the ball in cricket
Pectoralis Major
-Upper body
-Adduction of the arm, rotates arm inward at shoulder
-Lifting weight lying down
-On the scapula
-Abduction of arm, rotates arm backward at shoulder
-Back stroke in swimming
Gluteus Maximus
-The Bum
-Extension of the leg at the hip
-Attached at the top of the Femur
-Extension of leg at Knee
-Shooting in football
-Attached at the bottom of Femur
-Flexion of leg at the knee
-A scrum in rugby
-Back of shin, Calf
-Plantar flexion at the foot
-Pointy toe in ballet

Tibialis Anterior
-Front of shin,
-Dorsi flexion at the foot
-Standing up
Latissimus Dorsi
-Lower back on the side
-Abduct and rotates the humerus at the shoulder
-Butterfly stroke in swimming
-The stomach
-Flexion and rotation of the trunk and spine
-Sit ups

External obliques

-On the side of the abdominals not actually part of the abs

-Flexion and rotation of the trunk and spine

-Crunch and twist

Hips Flexor

-Near the hip

-Flexion and rotation of the trunk and spine


Types of Muscles:
-Voluntary (Skeletal the ones such as bicep and tricep)


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