Types of Attachment


Types of Attachment 

Secure: strong bond between child and caregiver, if seperated, child becomes distressed, when reunited child is easily comforted. Most attachments are secure. Secure attachments are associated with healthy cognitive and emotional development.

Insecure: bond between child and caregiver is weaker. Ainsworth et al. came up with 2 types of insecure attachment

   > Insecure Avoidant: when seperated child isnt distressed and can be comforted by stranger. Is usually shown by children whoavoid social interaction and intimacy with others 

   >Insecure Resistant: child is uneasy around caregiver but upset when seperated. Strangers cant provide comfort and comfort from caregiveer is also resisted. Children who show this both accept and reject social intercation and intimacy

Ainsworths Strange Situation (1978)

Ainsworth used the stange situatiuon to assess how children react under stress (seperation of care giver)

M/ In a controlled observation, 12-18 months infants left in a room with mother. Eight different scenarios occured, including being approahed by a stranger, infant being left alone, and mother returning. Infants reactions were constantly observed.

R/ 15% were insecure avoidant (type A) - ignored mother and didnt mind


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