Types of Attachment

  • Created by: tiacoles
  • Created on: 22-02-16 19:53


There is a strong bond between the child and its caregiver, If they're seperated, the infant becomes distressed. However, when they're reunited, the child is easily comforted by the caregiver. Associated with a healthy cognitive and emotional development. 



The child is not distressed at seperation of caregiver and can be comforted by the stranger. These children avoid social interaction and intimacy with others.


The child is uneasy around the caregiver but becomes upset when seperated. Comfort cannot be given by strangers and is also resisted from the caregiver. These children accept and reject social interaction and intimacy. 

Ainsworth et al - Strange Situation

Method: In a controlled observation, 12-18 month old infants were left in a room with their mother. Eight different scenarios occurred, including being approached by a stranger, the infant being left alone, the mother returning atc. The infant's reactions were observed. 

Results: About 15% of infants were 'insecure-avoidant' (type A) - ignored their mother and didn't mind if they left also allowing a stranger to comfort them. About 70% were 'securely attached' (type B) - content with their mother, upset when she left, happy when she returned and avoided strangers. About 15% were 'insecure-resistant' (type C) - uneasy around their mother and upset if she left. They resisted strangers and were also hard to comfort when their mother returned. 

Conclusion: Infants showing different reactions to their carers had different types of attachments.

Evaluation: The research methods used allowed control of the variables, making the results reliable. However, the laboratory-type situation made the


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