Two-Process Model


Behavioural approach to explaining phobias (Two Process Model)

  • Role of learning when aquring a phobia.
  • Focuses on behaviour symtoms.
  • Mowrer- Two-Process model, learn a phobia through classical conditioning, operant conditioning is used to maintain it.

Classical Conditioning

  • Associate something we do not fear (Neutral Stimulus) with something that already triggers a response (Unconditoned Response).
  • Associations decline over time.

Operant Conditioning

  • Phobias are long lasting.
  • Behaviour is reinforced whether through punishment or reward.
  • Punishment- More likely to continue the behaviour.
  • Postive reinforcement- Reward given after desired behaviour is shown.

Evalution Of Two Process Model

P:Strength, Useful applications

EX: Concept of learnng a phobia through association has been sued to apply therpies such as systematic desensition. Aim to replace feared association withing a relaxed association.

SW: Strength because improving everyday life of an individual. Has been verified so it can helpe to get treatments for people


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